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Artikel-Nr.: 5000

Youkon Wild Salmon Caviar - Premium Quality

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Youkon Wild Salmon Caviar - Premium Quality

not pasteurized - in decorative glass jar

Regular price €28,03 EUR
Regular price Sale price €28,03 EUR
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Lieferzeit 1-2 workdays

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Zustellkosten bei Lieferungen innerhalb Österreich und Deutschland pro Lieferanschrift:

bis zu einem Bruttoverkaufswert von €100.-    

€13,50 Zustellkosten 

bei einem Bruttoverkaufswert ab €100.- bis €199,- 

€9,90 Zustellkosten

ab einem Bruttoverkaufswert von €200,- 

frachtfrei / keine Zustellkosten

  • bei Versand in die übrigen EU-Länder variieren die Zustellkosten sowie Lieferzeiten - bitte unbedingt bei Youkon Wilder Lachs anfragen
  • die Zustell-, und Zollkosten für Lieferungen in die Schweiz betragen mindestens €75,– pro Einzelversand (Lieferzeit 1 Werktag)
  • die Zustellkosten in alle übrigen Länder bitte ebenso unbedingt bei Youkon Wilder Lachs anfragen
  • bei den Gutscheinen werden pro Gutschein die Zustellkosten des Empfängerlandes (Wertgutschein) verrechnet
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Product Information

Youkon Premium Wild Salmon Caviar is only lightly salted (3%), not pasteurized and stored frozen, thus preserving the ferments, proteins, vitamins and high-quality omega-3 fatty acids. Our fresh (refreshed) unpasteurized wild salmon caviar is shipped frozen and then has a shelf life of about 3-4 weeks when stored refrigerated (0° to +7°C).

The Youkon brand stands for years of expert experience in the production and processing of wild salmon caviar of the highest premium quality - only selected wild salmons are used, whose caviar grain has the optimal size and maturing time. Youkon premium wild salmon caviar is obtained from Alaska Keta wild salmon. The wild Keta salmon lives in fresh, clear water and covers thousands of kilometers in the sea during its life. During its migration, it feeds like a gourmet on small fish and crabs, which give it its typical color. To make sure that this tradition can continue in the future, the catch quotas are strictly controlled to ensure a consistent resource.

Youkon Premium Wild Salmon Caviar is subtle in flavor and has very beautiful red caviar pearls, so it is also popular for the visual preparation of other dishes. The best choice as an accompanying drink to caviar is Champagne (Brut) - not only in terms of festive atmosphere, but because no other drink could even come close to complementing caviar in taste.

Please make sure that you only use spoons made of mother-of-pearl, horn or ivory. Under no circumstances should metal (except gold) or silver spoons be used! The caviar experiences an unpleasant aftertaste through these (in an emergency rather use small plastic spoons)!